Thursday, November 5, 2009

Yankees win 27th World Series title

The Yankees won the World Series for the 27th time. Matsui was the world series mvp.
I was so mad to hear that they won. I wish the Phillies could have puled it out. I don't like the Yankees that much. If I could choose a team to loose I would choose the Yankees. Booooooo Yankees!
Yankee Info:

Softball players recalled for smiles, skills

Three DSU students, teammates, friends were found drowned in a duck pond. authorities are not sure what they were doing but they pulled the vehicle out of a pond. the students were known for star gazing but nothing is known for why they were there.
This is just sad story about a terrible accident. I feel bad for these students and I feel terrible for their friends and family. I hope everyone comes through alright and that these students will be remembered.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Guantanamo: Closing Time by Tim Lukes

Defense Secretary Robert Gates told the press Sunday, September 27th that it would be tough to close the Military Prison Guantanamo Bay. He said there would be numerous time problems and he knew that trying to close the prison by January 2010 was an impossible task. There is nothing wrong with keeping the prisoners in prison longer, they deserve to be there.

I agree with Tim, that prison is keeping us safe. I am sad to see it go even though it was the root to alot of controversies.

Problems in Paraguay

Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo ordered the replacement of top military commanders a day after publicly dismissing rumors circulating the capital about a military coup. The announcement came from the armed forces, not the president's office. But he has named the new top military commanders and hopefully it will tone down in Paraguay.
If I ever went to Paraguay I would not talk to the president about this. I am sure he has gone through alot of criticism about the decisions he has made during this time. I bet he just lost a game of cards to those old commanders and wanted some new guys to play with. That would be a great story.

Paraguay Info:
Coup Info:

Mexican Strip Club Massacre

A US serviceman was among six victims of an early morning shooting at a Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, strip club Wednesday. Unidentified gunmen entered the Amadeus club in the border city across from El Paso, Texas just after midnight and fatally shot six men.
If I went to Mexico i would not go to a strip club because of this story. I imagined strip clubs as being safe places to be, but after hearing about this you just never know. If your not safe in a Mexican strip club, where are you safe?

Tim Lukes Meteroite Blog

My fellow classmate Tim Lukes wrote a blog about a meteorite that fell in Latvia. The meteorite created a very large Crater after landing near a farm. The whole was about 65 feet wide and 32 feet deep. A fire was reported in the grassy area where the object landed, but there were no known injuries.
My Lord Timothy, I agree with you that that is some whole. I just cant believe how big a whole that is. If i was five feet tall, i could lay down about 13 of my bodies across that hole. And i could stake about 6 and 2/5 bodies up. That is alot of bodies. That is a big hole.

Smell permeated Cleveland neighborhood where 11 bodies found, residents say

A smell was coming from a house on a street and neighbors were noticing how bad it was. They contacted the police but they were told that it was just a meat factory. They accepted that for the time being but when the smell continued to develop the called again and finally police came to investigate the house. Upon the investigation they found 6 bodies inside the house and 5 outside. Anthony Sowell is now being charged for the murder of all 11 people and more investigation is going into how the people were killed.
If this man does not get the death penalty I don't know what I will do. He there is overwhelming evidence against him. He has already been convicted for numerous crimes and it seems as though he doesn't car what he does.
More Info:

Teen says he drowned a 4-year-old to protect a secret

A 14 year old California boy told police that he drowned his 4 year old neighbor because the child threatened to tell his mother that the older boy had molested him. Raul Castro has been charged in Fresno County as an adult because of special circumstances including murder during a child molestation, sodomy, kidnapping, and murder of a witness to prevent a testimony.
This just shows me how sick some people are, that a 14 year old would drown a 4 year old kid over sexual abuse. He just ruined multiple peoples lives. He will be regreting many decisions he made for he rest of his life. I just couldnt handle doing anything like that.

Being charged as a Minor:

Maine rejects same-sex marriage law

There was a vote on whether or not same sex marriage would be legalized in Maine. It was voted down 53% to 47%. There were many volunteers for both sides demonstrating and showing support for their side. Many people came together to see what the outcome would be.
I believe that gay marriage is wrong. The bible says that marriage should be between a man and a women. So to see how gay marriage has become such a popular thing is really discouraging for me. I don't just automatically hate all gays but I just don't agree with what they do.

Same Sex Marriage Information: http://