Thursday, January 14, 2010

Trying to prevent 'absolutely catastrophic' situation in Haiti

International aid groups were feverishly trying to get supplies into quake-ravaged Haiti on Thursday to prevent the situation from going from "dire to absolutely catastrophic."
The search-and-rescue efforts are the top priority.
"The ability to get people out of that rubble is paramount," said Jonathan Aiken, a spokesman for the American Red Cross. "You have a very limited time to accomplish that before people die and before you start to get into issues of diseases."
Behind the scenes, a massive coordination effort involving dozens of aid groups, the Haitian government, the United Nations and the U.S. military was under way to get food, water, tents and other supplies to survivors of the 7.0-magnitude earthquake.
Ian Rodgers, a senior emergency adviser for Save the Children, said aid efforts were at a "tipping point."

When I see such chaos happening I really feel spoiled when there is nothing threatening my life at all. I hope that all people can find help and water and food. The supplies needs to get there faster.

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